Find Qualified Asthma Specialist (Asthma Doctor) To Get Most Up-To-Date Medications
Asthma affects 1 in 10 children in the United States. This number is even higher in urban areas like New Jersey. Specialists in Allergy and Immunology are also Asthma Doctors. We are uniquely qualified to treat asthma because of our ability to diagnose and treat allergies, the main trigger of asthma exacerbations. Symptoms of asthma are often overlooked and under-treated. Asthma is a serious condition, and if not treated properly can lead to life-threatening attacks and long term damage to the lungs. Research has shown that after a single visit with an allergist, asthma patients can expect, on average, a 10% improvement in lung function. At Hudson-Essex Allergy, we are asthma specialists (Asthma Doctor) dedicated to asthma prevention. We have sophisticated testing available to make the diagnosis of asthma and track improvement. We use the most up-to-date medications with the fewest side effects. Did you know that there are several non-steroid medications now available for asthma prevention? Allergy shots (Immunotherapy) have also been shown to reduce asthma flares. To learn more about these therapies or to get your asthma under better control, give us a call and set up an appointment with an asthma specialist today.