Seasonal Allergy – Know About Seasonal Allergy and Seasonal Allergies Treatment
In New Jersey, trees release pollen in the Spring and weeds, such as ragweed, release pollen in the Autumn. Grasses in New Jersey pollinate twice, once in late Spring and again in late Summer. These pollens can cause significant allergy symptoms such as runny nose, congestion, sneezing, itchy/watery eyes and wheezing.
We offer Seasonal Allergies Treatment such as Pollen Allergy Treatment | Allergic Rhinitis Treatment or Hay Fever Treatment
A host of indoor, year-round allergens can give similar symptoms. These include dust mites, pet dander, and molds. Your doctor at Hudson-Essex Allergy has great therapies available to relieve your allergy symptoms, regardless of the cause. Did you know you can be desensitized to your allergen? Immunotherapy has the potential to cure your seasonal and year-round allergies.