Disorders of the Immune System
Do you need an immunology doctor in NJ? The immune system is a complex system elegantly designed to fight off infections. When the immune system fails to function properly, we are vulnerable to infection. Diseases of the immune system can range from mild disorders that leave patients vulnerable to excessive numbers of ear infections or sinus infections, to severe conditions that leave patients with almost no immune system at all. If you are concerned with the number or frequency of infections that you experience, call us to set up an appointment today for an immune workup.
Since the summer of 2014, the State of New Jersey screens all newborn infants for the most severe immune deficiency syndromes. If your child has a positive newborn screen for low or absent TRECs suggestive of a severe immune deficiency, this is a medical emergency requiring immediate consultation with an immunologist. Please call for an appointment today if you receive notification of a positive newborn screen for immune deficiency.